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Ignite Impact Leadership Bootcamp

A Program to ignite impact in your career & life 

This is for mid-level career driven professionals in tech, product or UX. This program establishes you as a highly respected, sought after leader who is able to guide and manage teams to great business outcomes, create a multiplier culture where everyone is performing at their best, all while you and your team enjoy personal fulfillment.

If you are someone who consistently wants to get leverage in your life and make your time on this planet meaningful, this is exactly the program for you.

Even better—we accomplish all these goals WHILE you enjoy having the time and energy to spend with your loved ones.

If you want to get respect, get the recognition that you deserve in promotions and compensation…and do all that without sacrificing your personal life, this is the program for you.

Reach out to explore joining this exclusive community.




In my first coaching session with Jocelyn, she shared a values and goals exercise with me to get focused on next steps in my career and life journey. Never before have I encountered an exercise that is both so simple and so profound in the actionable insights it gives you. Within just a few minutes, Jocelyn's process hit me with an "aha" moment like a ton of bricks. We're talking life-changing stuff, and you're hearing this from someone who approaches self-improvement exercises with deep skepticism. In my case, things that are deeply important to my own success were going unaddressed and even actively ignored — and I never even realized it. She's onto something that deserves to be shared more widely.

— Frank, Online Educator, Florida



Imagine where you can be As a High Impact Leader

  • Get to be known as the expert in your niche.

  • Create / be part of a high-functioning, top-tier team.

  • Establish your own inner circle of support.

  • Awaken the leader within you to enhance the drive and vision to succeed.

  • Solidify your brand and messaging so that you feel confident and in alignment.

  • Establish you as a thought leader, leading to bigger opportunities for your career as well as you personally.

  • …and so much more!



Create High Impact

I started working with Jocelyn when I took a sabbatical from Google after 15 years in the tech industry to take a step back and reflect on my career to figure out where I wanted to go next.

— Alice, Independent Entrepreneur, New York



Let's work Together To Create Impact

If you are interested in significantly up-leveling in your career and life, this program was designed with you in mind.

You will establish a strong foundation of leadership, confidence, and empowerment for yourself, for your team, and even for your family.

We consistently see people use this program to up-level at work, increase personal impact and fulfillment, and even use this success to set them and their family up for the home they want, where they want, supporting their loved ones with all the success they achieve here.

Reach out if you want to be that inspirational, impactful leader today!